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1·在含硫量为3 14%的无烟煤中添加石灰(固硫剂)及少量碳氢化合物(助燃剂),制作成型煤。
Coal briquette is made of anthracite with a sulfur content of 3 14% by addition of lime (as sulfur fixation agent) and hydrocarbons (as combustion adjuvant).
2·绿党候选人在14 000张投票总数中获得了3 000多张选票。
The Green candidate won over 3 000 of the 14 000 votes cast.
—— 《牛津词典》
The oldest Disney theme park receives over 14 million visitors each year, nearly $3 billion in revenue.
4·在2010大西洋飓风季节风暴的活跃在NOAA预测的范围内(14 - 24命名风暴,8 - 14飓风,3 - 7大型飓风,于5月27日预测)。
The storm activity that unfolded over the 2010 Atlantic hurricane season was within the range predicted by NOAA (14-23 named storms, 8-14 hurricanes, 3-7 major hurricanes predicted on May 27).
5·参照第14 页的句型练习,用图片中的信息套用句型2 和3,写出完整的对话。
Refer to the Pattern Practice on page 14, and write out in full numbers 2 and 3.
Statistics showed stock markets worldwide were also affected by the world Cup, rising only 3 times in the past 14 tournaments.
The mother of two children, ages 3 and 14, models on a website called supersizedbombshells.com, where admirers and the curious can pay to watch videos of her eating greasy foods or walking to the car.
Symptoms appear 3—14 days after the infective bite.
The patch shows that the context of the changes started on line 23 of the version of the file in the repository (revision 3) and went for 14 lines.
Pau Gasol overcame his "soft" image to play a brilliant game to finish with 23 points, 14 boards, and 3 blocks.
更新时间:2025-03-10 15:51